Web Comics

Next week is a huge week for superhero and comic book fans. The film "Spider Man Into the Spider Verse” will be releasing on December 14th. Due to the fact that Miles Morales is the star of the film I decided to read the web comic "Miles Morales the Ultimate Spiderman”. We all know Spiderman, but not a lot of people know about Miles Morales. Similar to Peter Parker, Miles grew up in New York City. Miles is half black half latino and his suit is black with a red spider symbol. I love everything about this character and his comic. Its fascinating to see an all new take on Spiderman while keeping the charm of the previous one. Reading it online was enjoyable as I was able to click through the pages and read issue by issue. Web comics might be the future of comic books, however, hardback copies are still a treasure and worth obtaining. The film debuting next week about the Miles Morales Spiderman is huge and will be revolutionary. The film takes huge inspirations from comic books and will play out like a comic come to life. The style of the movie is in 3D and will have all the fun quirks of a comic book such as the viewable sounds like “boom” and the thought and speech boxes. The future of comic books is a bright one not only because of how well comics are still being made and the success of the ones in the past, but because of the fans and the readers who continue to spread the fascination of comics and converse about them with friends like they are actual real life stories and events. That is the true power of comics. 


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